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CCSD Discipline Rubric

Student discipline will be aligned with the adopted disciplinary rubric. -- Can be found in All Student Planners

STUDENT DRESS CODE - J-2350: The school administration has the right to regulate any student's dress that creates a disruption, is a distraction to learning, is of questionable decency and/or creates a health or safety hazard.  Students are responsible for complying with the school dress code.  Parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring their student's attire. 
*Administration retains the right to alter consequences as per individual circumstances. 
Students who attend CCSD schools must adhere to the following: 
A. A proper fitting shirt, a pair of appropriate fitting blue jeans, and tennis shoes that meet the regulations below would be an example of correct dress. 
B. Shoes must be worn at all times. 
C. Skirts/dresses/shorts must be of appropriate length.  Such items of clothing will be considered acceptable if they extend no less than one inch (1") below  the fingertips of the student when the student stands with back and shoulders flush against a wall, and arms and fingertips fully extended along the sides of the student's leg. 

The following are prohibited: 

A. Muscle shirts, half shirts, tank tops, halter tops, or tops with spaghetti straps. 
B. Hair length or a hair style that is disruptive to the educational process as determined by the building level administration will not be permitted. 
C. Apparel which might cause the question of decency to arise.  An example of this rule could be a shirt that is short enough that shows the midriff of a student when they raise their arms. 
D. Distasteful patches, decals, buttons or other insulting items. 
E. Attire including backpacks and accessories that makes reference to violence, sex, gang membership, satanism/occult, tobacco, alcohol or drugs, and safety pins, jewelry with spikes, chains, or other metal objects considered a safety hazard. 
F. Bandanas, "Doo Rags", or hairnets. 
G. Hats and hoods cannot be worn on the head inside of the buildings.  Hats and beanies must be placed in lockers before school begins and not be taken out until the school day ends. All hats and beanies found with the student during the school day will be confiscated, labeled, and returned at the end of the school day. 
H. Trench coats are not allowed. 
I. Sagging or baggy pants worn in a manner that allows underwear or bare skin to show, interferes with mobility, or could conceal weapons. 
J. Makeup which changes a student's appearance that could cause a disruption to the educational process. 
K. Sunglasses and/or contacts which disrupt the educational process unless prescribed by a doctor, or worn for other verifiable medical reasons. 

All dress code issues are subject to administrative review and discretion.  Exceptions for specific situations may be allowed by building administrators.  Accommodations for students with disabilities or religious requirements will be made on an individual basis.  Students with special needs conditions or requirements shall contact the building administrator for individual consideration. 

Note: Please refer to the discipline manual on consequences for violations of the Dress Code Policy

Student Discipline: Policy J-4500:  The District shall strive to provide and maintain a safe, fair, affirmative, and appropriately challenging environment that promotes learning and positive personal growth.  Disciplinary measures shall be aimed toward assisting each student in the development of self-control, social responsibility, and the acceptance of appropriate consequences for his or her actions. Administrators shall use the progressive discipline procedures and options specified in administrative procedural directives. In an effort to elicit their understanding and support, the district encourages parent/legal guardian involvement in matters of school discipline.  Parents/legal guardians shall be advised of disciplinary measures taken.  Schools shall maintain a record of disciplinary actions taken. Corporal punishment is prohibited in the District. 

Secret Societies/Gang Activity: Policy  J-2900: Gangs that initiate, advocate, or promote activities that threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or disrupt the school environment are harmful to the educational process and should be prohibited.  The superintended shall develop procedures to implement this policy.

Secret Societies/Gang Activity: Procedures J-2900:   The use of hand signals, graffiti, or the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of dress or grooming that, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute indicates or implies membership or affiliation with such a group is prohibited because of the disruption to educational activities that results from such activities or dress.  It is the District's position that such activities and dress also present a clear and present danger to other District students and to District Staff members. 

Any activity involving an initiation, hazing, intimidation, assault, or other activity related to group affiliation that is likely to cause or does cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to students or others is prohibited. 

Any student wearing, carrying, or displaying gang paraphernalia and/or exhibiting behavior or gestures that symbolize gang membership, or causing and/or participating in activities that intimidate or adversely affect the educational activities of another student, or the orderly operation of the schools, shall be subject to disciplinary action. 

For the purpose of District policy, a gang is a group of three (3) or more people who: 
- Interact together to the exclusion of others;
- Claim a territory or area; 
- Have a name;
- Have rivals/enemies; and
- Exhibit antisocial behavior - often associated with crime or a threat to the community. 

The type of dress, apparel, activities, acts, behavior or manner, or grooming displayed, reflected, or participated in by the student shall not: 
- Lead school officials to believe that such behavior, apparel, activities, acts, or other attributes are gang related or would disrupt or interfere with the school environment or activity and/or educational objectives;
- Present a physical safety hazard to self, students, staff members, or other employees;
- Create an atmosphere in which the well-being of a student, staff member, or other person is hindered by undue pressure, behavior, intimidation, overt gesture, or threat of violence; or 
- Imply gang membership or affiliation by written communication, marks, drawing, painting, design, or emblem upon any school or personal property or on one's person. 

If the student's dress is in violation of this regulation or a District policy, the principal will ask the student to make the appropriate correction.  If the student refuses, the parent/guardian may be notified and asked to make the necessary correction. 
The principal will coordinate with law enforcement regarding the latest gang signs, symbols and actions to maintain consideration for constitutionally permitted activities and speech. 

Prohibition of Drug and Alcohol Use by Students: Policy J-3050: The nonmedical use, possession, distribution, delivery or sale of drugs or counterfeit substances on school property or at school events is prohibited. The superintendent shall develop procedures to implement this policy. 

Prohibition of Drug and Alcohol Use by Students: Policy J-3050: Nonmedical is defined as "A purpose other than the prevention, treatment, or cure of an illness or disabling condition: consistent with accepted practices of the medical profession. 

Students in violation of the provisions of the above paragraph shall be subject to removal from school property and shall be subject to prosecution in accordance with the provisions of the law. 

Students attending school in the District who are in violation of the provisions of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary actions in accordance with the provisions of school rules and/or regulations. 

For the purposes of this policy and procedure, "drugs" shall include, but not be limited to: 
- All dangerous controlled substances prohibited by law. 
- All alcoholic beverages.
- Any prescription or over-the-counter drug, except those for which permission to use in school has be granted pursuant to Board policy. 
- Hallucinogenic substances. 
- Inhalants.
Any student who violates the above may be subject to warning, reprimand, probation, suspension, or expulsion, in addition to other civil and criminal prosecution.

Weapons in School: Policy J-3100: No student shall carry or possess a weapon or simulated weapon on school premises without authorization by a school administrator.  No student shall use or threaten to use a weapon or simulated weapon to disrupt any activity of the District.  The superintendent shall develop procedures to implement this policy. 

Weapons in School: Policy J-3100: Any employee who observes any person in possession of a weapon or simulated weapon on school premises shall immediately report the matter to the school administrator.  A school administrator who observes or receives a report of a student possessing a weapon on school premises shall immediately take appropriate safety and disciplinary actions in accordance with District policies and shall immediately report a violation of this policy to a police officer. 

A student who violates this policy by carrying or possessing a weapon or instrumentality, such as a knife or sharp object, which can cause injury shall be sent to hearing for long-term suspension and/or expulsion. 

A student who violates this policy by carrying or possessing firearms which can cause injury shall be sent to hearing for long-term suspension and/or expulsion.  A student who violates this policy by any means other than carrying or possessing a firearm shall be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to expulsion.  Disciplinary action against a student with one (1) or more disabilities shall be applied on a case-by-case basis in accordance with District policies and state and federal special education laws. 

Bullying Prevention: Policy J-4300: The district shall foster a safe, respectful, and fear-free environment for all members of the school community including students, staff, parents, community partners, and visitors. 

The superintendent shall implement procedures to prevent bullying of all forms and to provide a safe, respectful, and fear-free environment to assist student learning, achieve high academic standards, and establish a positive educational environment.  All members of the school community shall be aware of the Board of Education's expectation of a safe, respectful and fear-free environment, and the Board of education shall model this in its own behavior. 

The 'education environment' includes all school facilities as well as the bus, bus stops, walking to & from school, school-sponsored activities on & off campus.  There is no place in the education environment for harassment or bullying. 

Per NMPED (D) NMAC "Bullying" means any repeated and pervasive written, verbal or electronic expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or at school activities or sanctioned events.  Bullying includes, but is not limited to, hazing, harassment, intimidation or menacing acts of a student which may, but need not be based on the student's race, color, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation. 

PER Navajo Nation Resolution CJA-09-18 and Legislation No. 0366-17 Criminal Code Cyberbullying: Under the existing offense of Manslaughter: "A person commits manslaughter if the person recklessly causes or contributes to the death of another, including via electronic communication device".  Stalking: "Making unwanted or frightening contact with another through postal mail, internet, or electronic communication, including but not limited to radio, fax, phone, texting, email".  Harassment: "A person commits harassment when that person intentionally or knowingly causes emotional distress to another by repeatedly shaming, degrading, humiliating, placing in fear, or otherwise abusing personal dignity, including via electronic communication device".  In our School District, we will implement PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) and the See Something Say Something Program Mobile App provides a safe, anonymous and comfortable way for students to share information to create a safe learning and working environment for our students, teachers, and staff. 

The student must report any type of harassment or bullying to a teacher, counselor, nurse, building administrator or other school adult employee.  Behavior or actions may include: 

- Physical assaults (touching in an angry way)
- threats: (for example, "better watch your back", "I'm 'gonna' hurt you", "we'll get you" etc.)
- name-calling
- racial slurs
- intimidation (making someone feel weak and powerless through words or gestures)
- sexual harassment - physical or verbal
- spreading rumors
- extortion (making someone give you something of theirs) 
- foul language
- taunting (making fun of someone; their appearance, their intelligence, their name)
- making insulting remarks about another student's family members
- use of the computer, cell phone or any other electronic devises to participate in any of the above actions

First Offense: A contract serves as your WARNING signed at registration.  Your parents will receive a copy of this singed contract indicating that you know what bullying is, that bullying is not okay, and the consequences.  If you are sent to the office and found to be in violation of the bullying contract you will be suspended up to three (3)days. 

Second Offense: Suspension for up to five (5) days with possible long term suspension. 

Third Offense: Suspension for up to ten (10) days and notice given of a hearing where long term suspension will be recommended to remove you from CCSD Schools. 

Student discipline will be aligned with the 
adopted disciplinary rubric 
Faculty and staff will use progressive discipline for Minor Classroom Behavior or Infractions.  There must be three documented and specific individual interventions by the classroom teacher including a phone call to parents before an office referral is written and submitted to the School Administration 
Minor Student Infractions: 
  1. Copyright infringment
  2. Cheating/Plagiarism
  3. Truancy 
  4. Computer Misuse
  5. Disruptive Electronic Devices
  6. Energy Drinks
Administrative Discretion for Most Minor Infractions
Possible Administrative Consequences include Parental Contact and the following:
  1. Student Counseling/Support Groups
  2. In School Suspension (ISS)
  3. Student Behavior Contract
  4. In-School Suspension should be assigned by the School Administrator or designee
  5. Repeated Offenses may result in student being designated a Habitual Offender
  6. SAT/SIT Team Referral will be conducted before any LTS Hearing
Minor Offense1st Offense2nd Offense3rd Offense4th Offense5th Offense
Dress Code Violation
(Administrative Discretion)

Gang Affiliation violations may expedite the process with Administrative discretion.
Student may be sent home to change and parents notifiedStudent will be sent home and/or 1 day In-School Suspension (ISS)2 Days Out of School Suspension (OSS)

SAT/SIT Team Referral
  1. Profane or Obscene Language
  2. Minor Disruptive Conduct
  3. Obscene Material 
  4. Classroom Disruption with Substitute
  5. Verbal Assault
  6. Minor Insubordination

Administrative DiscretionAdministrative Discretion3 Days Out of School Suspension (OSS)

SAT/SIT Team Referral
Hearing Hearing
MAJOR OFFENSE1st Offense2nd Offense3rd Offense4th Offense5th Offense

  1. Tobacco use or possession (ISS)
  2. Major Disruptive Conduct
  3. Major Insubordination
  4. Fighting (Both Parties)
  5. Bullying
  6. Vandalism
  7. False Alarm
  8. Fireworks/Projectiles
  9. Drug or Alcohol use or possession
  10. Habitual Offender
3 Days Out of School Suspension (OSS)

Referral to Nurse/Counselor

3 to 5 Days OSS For Drug/Alcohol Offense

SAT/SIT Team Referral
5 Days Out of School Suspension (OSS)

SAT/SIT Team Referral

Up to 10 Days Out of School Suspension and Long Term Suspension (LTS) Hearing
Up to 10 Days OSS and Possible Long Term Suspension (LTS)

Disciplinary Alternative Educational Placement

Hearing Office Ruling

Abeyance Violation

3rd Offense 

  1. Assault 
  2. Extortion
  3. Theft
  4. False Identification
  5. Forgery/False Statement
5 Days Out of School Suspension (OSS)

SAT/SIT Team Referral
Up to 10 Days OSS and Long Term Suspension (LTS) Hearing
Disciplinary Alternative Educational Placement

Hearing Officer Ruling

Abeyance Violation

2nd & 3rd Offense Depending on severity

  1. Battery/Aggravated Assault
  2. Weapons and/or Firearms Possession
  3. Arson
  4. Bomb Threat
  5. Drug or Alcohol Distribution 
 Long Term Suspension Hearing (LTS) and Recommendation for Expulsion Recommendation for Long Term Suspension/Expulsion 
Disciplinary Alternative Education Placement will be determined by the Hearing Officer Ruling based upon the recommendation of the School Administrator or other factors including the severity or frequency of the violation at the time of the hearing.

Disciplinary Alternative Educational Placement can also be the result of the revocation of an Abeyance of a Long Term Suspension as a condition set forth by the Hearing Officer at the hearing.

LTS Hearings will be held when cumulative offenses result in more than nine (9) days of OSS in a academic year.

* Extenuating circumstance such as previous history, severity of the offense and school or student safety may expedite the process.