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tiles on wall 4
tiles on wall 5
tiles on wall 1
tiles in courtyard
Career Prep High School
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Upcoming Events

Career Prep High School News


Left Side/ Sub-Menu Descriptions
For specific information, use the menu on the 
side of the screen or use the "Sub-Menu". 
(Which one you see will depend on the device you are using.)

If you need help with Google, Classroom, Zoom, etc... 
click on the Google and Zoom FAQ's link.

Career Prep High School News


Here are the links to the Panorama Survey due Friday, November 22nd:
If the Student Link doesn't work, try this one: Multi-use Student Survey Link


Strengthening School Safety: A Unified Approach for Central Consolidated School District

Central Consolidated School District believes we are stronger when we work together as a team – especially when it comes to the safety and security of our schools. Please follow the steps to help keep our students and staff safe
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Family and Community Engagement Meetings

Announcing CCSD Family & Community Engagement Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year

Central Consolidated School District (CCSD) announces a series of Family & Community Engagement Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year. These meetings allow parents, guardians, and community members to engage with district officials, provide valuable feedback, and stay informed about our schools' progress and future goals.
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Scholarships for CPHS STUDENTS


New Mexico Scholarships available for Career Prep High School students,

totaling $21,150 in award funds! 

CLICK HERE to see the list & links...

Phoenix Summer Creations 2022

* Students should upload PowerSchool 
before asking about
graduation, credits, classes, etc...

* Use print - "Save to PDF" 
(makes it a file).
You can also use
pictures, screenshots, etc...
CLICK BELOW to go to:

Schoology is replacing
Google Classroom.
Use your school Gmail to login.


Mission Statement

Career Prep High School will develop students who will be well rounded, goal oriented individuals who are confident and can self-advocate. They will use resources to develop life skills necessary to be self-sufficient and successful members of their community.  

Lockers & Bags

Please remember to keep 
in your LOCKER during class.

Plan and prepare your things before class to create a good, life-long habit!

Kirtland & Newcomb

Students who ride the bus from Kirtland and Newcomb please SIGN IN when you enter the school.
We need to know you are here and know who is riding the bus in the afternoon.


If you do not have a class during one of the block periods, 
you need to report to the Library.

You MAY NOT be in other classrooms, in the hallways, etc...

5 at 5

PARENTS please take 5 minutes at 5:00 pm to check  PowerSchool for each of your children.

  • This is a quick way to keep up with their progress in school.
  • This can also give you a conversation starter to ask how they feel about school and if they are having any triumphs or troubles to share with you!
  • Click HERE to log in to PowerSchool


What about retaking classes;
how much time and
income could that have been?

Block class ~ 1.5. hours/day
Study Skills ~ 0.5 hours/day
Total ~ 7 hours/day
One Quarter ~ 45 days

$14.44 * 7 * 45 = $4,548.60
$18.66 * 7 * 45 = $5,877.90