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Voice Recognition
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Weight Room
Upcoming Events

Kirtland Middle School

Student Led Conference


Student Led Conferences on Thursday and Friday. No school for students on Friday, 2/14/25. 

Upcoming Meeting

8th Grade Promotion Parent Meeting

Please join us for the 8th Grade Promotion Parent Meeting. 

February Calendar

Monthly Caledar

8th Grade Promotion

After School

After-School Tutoring

No School

No School 1/20/25

Press Release:

Press Release

Winter Concert

Winter Concert

80th Count Day

Important Date Reminders

After School Updated Time

Updated Time

Updated Time for After School Tutoring. 
Monday-Thursday 3:45pm - 5:00pm


Join Us At KMS for ZUMBA!


Scholastic Book Fair

Book Fair

Scholastic Book Fair

This week Monday-Friday!
Here is the schedule:
10/21 Monday 8:30am-7:00pm
10/22 Tuesday 8:30am-6:00pm
10/23 Wednesday 8:30am-3:35pm
10/24 Thursday 8:30am-3:35pm
10/25 Friday 8:30am-4:00pm

Attendance Matters


Student Led Conferences

Homecoming Week Spirit Week

KMS 2024/2025 Attendance Policy

KMS After School

Sign up. for KMS After School

Picture Day September 6th!

Fall Picture Day

Community Schools September

Join US on September 16th and 30th!

Chester Nez: Unsung Hero by Yanabah Jackson

PAC Meetings

Attendance Matters!

School Supplies

School Supplies

Summe4r School

Google Form Dierct Link:

2 Hour Delay Schedule

Breakfast will be served at 9:15 AM.

Bus Information


Click on the link below to get bus number, pickup, & drop off times: 

Emergency Protocols



538 CR 6100     KIRTLAND NEW MEXICO 87417

                              PHONE (505) 598-6114     FAX (505) 598-9562          

       PRINCIPAL:  Nikki Atencio       ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL:  Heather Farnsworth

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise in our area while school is in session, we want you to be aware that the school has prepared to respond effectively. In fact, public schools in New Mexico are built to meet stringent construction standards and may even be safer than many homes in the event of a disaster.

Should we have a major disaster/emergency during school hours, your student(s) will be cared for at this school. Our school has a detailed crisis plan, which has been formulated to respond to major catastrophes.

Parent/guardian cooperation is imperative during an emergency. Please adhere to the following instructions in case of emergency:

  1. Please do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication. See #3 below for alternatives for communications.

  2. In the event of a serious emergency, students will be kept at school until they are picked up by a responsible adult who has been pre-identified on the school emergency contact card, which is required to be filled out by parents/guardians at the beginning of every school year. Please instruct your child to remain at school until you or a designee arrives.

For emergency announcements, go to the school website, local media channels, and social media and the apps. In addition, information regarding day-to-day school operations will be available by calling the District Office at (505) 368-4984.

If you opted into our mass notification system, you will also be notified via phone, and/or e-mail as soon as possible during an emergency.

It is important that we have your correct phone number and e-mail address so that you will receive these messages. Please do not call the school or your child’s cell phone during an emergency, as phone lines will need to remain clear for emergency services.

Impress upon your children the need for them to follow the directions of any school personnel during an emergency.

During some emergencies, students may be taken to an off-campus relocation site. If this occurs, the school’s relocation and family reunification plan will be activated, which means that students will be released from the relocation site only to custodial parents/guardians or persons identified on the school emergency card. It is recommended that parents/guardians familiarize themselves with the school’s relocation and reunification plan, so that you have a better understanding of the protocols that may be utilized in this circumstance.

The decision to keep students at school will be based upon, among other factors, whether streets in the area are open and/or safe for travel. If an early release occurs, radio stations will be notified and the school/district website will post relevant information. If a natural disaster takes place during the time that students are being transported, students will be kept on the bus and the driver will ask for assistance through radio contact with the school and district personnel. Any child who is home waiting for the bus will not be picked up (if roads are impassable) and remains the responsibility of the parent/guardian. In the event a natural disaster occurs in the afternoon, the driver will make every attempt to continue delivering the students to their homes. Should road or weather conditions prevent the driver from delivering students to their homes or to school in the morning, the students will be delivered to the nearest school site, and that school will communicate with the home school to inform them of the student’s whereabouts. Parents will then be notified accordingly with instructions on how and where to pick up your student.

In case of a hazardous material release near the school, shelter-in-place procedures will be implemented to provide in-place protection from the outside elements. All students and staff will clear the fields, report to their rooms and all efforts will be made to prevent outside air from entering classrooms during the emergency. “Shelter-in-Place” signs will be placed in classroom windows or hung outside classroom doors during a drill or emergency. Students arriving at school during a shelter-in-place drill or event should report to the school office or to a previously designated area at the school, because classrooms will be inaccessible. When the dangerous incident has subsided, or the drill has ended, the all- clear signal will be given and classrooms will again be accessible.

Please discuss these matters with your children and immediate family members. Planning will help alleviate concern and confusion during emergencies.


           Kirtland Middle School Safety Team

           538 Rd 6100

           Kirtland NM, 87417

Go Fan online ticket sales

Do you want to buy tickets for KMS sporting events?  Purchase them beforehand through GO FAN!  Click on the link below to purchase your tickets:

District Events

KMS News

Kirtland Middle School Calendar

December Calendar

December Calendar Dress-Up Days

Kirtland News


Strengthening School Safety: A Unified Approach for Central Consolidated School District

Central Consolidated School District believes we are stronger when we work together as a team – especially when it comes to the safety and security of our schools. Please follow the steps to help keep our students and staff safe
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Family and Community Engagement Meetings

Announcing CCSD Family & Community Engagement Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year

Central Consolidated School District (CCSD) announces a series of Family & Community Engagement Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year. These meetings allow parents, guardians, and community members to engage with district officials, provide valuable feedback, and stay informed about our schools' progress and future goals.
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GER2I Summer Residential Camp - Journey of Academic Excellence at Purdue University

July 30, 2024
Twenty gifted students from Central Consolidated School District's grades 6-12 embarked on an exciting journey to Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana on Saturday, June 29, 2024.
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back to school guide THUMBNAIL

Back-to-School Guide

Mark your calendars! School begins on August 6th. Check out our helpful guide to find out when classes begin and what school supplies to get for the upcoming school year 2024/2025.
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Johnson O'Malley Program

Johnson O'Malley Program

Are you aware of the Johnson O'Malley Program? It's a federal program that provides educational assistance. Find out more!
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Flu, RSV and COVID-19 Updates and Information

It is cold and flu season. Please take a look at the following health procedure information regarding cold and flu symptoms and how to protect yourself and children from getting sick.
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KMS Handbook


KMS Suggestions

Parents, students and community members, would you like to make a suggestion on how to improve KMS?  Please fill out a suggestion form.