DISCLAIMER: It is the responsibility of every bidder or offeror to ensure they have downloaded the latest version of each solicitation, including any addendum(s) which may have been issued, by revisiting this website prior to the due date before submitting their response to the Central Consolidated School District. All addendums must be acknowledged in the response.
Any listed solicitation does not obligate the Central Consolidated School District for any cost(s) associated with any response preparation, the return of a response, and is not to be considered a contract for any purchase of goods, services, or construction.
Please note that all bids must be submitted by the due date and time as stated in the bid documents. Central Consolidated School District does not accept responses electronically, by fax or email. Proposals must be submitted as a hardcopy with original signature. Allow one (1) additional business day for internal CCSD mail distribution. Responses arriving after the due date or time will be returned unopened.