FOR SY 2024-2025
It shall be the policy of Central Consolidated School District (CCSD) Johnson O'Malley Indian Education Committee (JOM IEC) that Johnson O’Malley funds be spent for the advancement and benefit of all eligible Indian students with a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) on file with the Intercultural and Community Outreach (ICO) Department, priority will be given to eligible students and in accordance with 25 CFR 273.32.
The JOM IEC requests financial assistance to support parents in defraying their children(s) educational expenses. Any single parental cost requests exceeding $500.00 as submitted by parents and schools requires review and approval by JOM IEC at a duly called meeting. All parental costs will be reported to the IEC. The formulation and adoption of this policy permits processing of student assistance requests and expedition in allocation of available funds. Based on available funds, each student is eligible to receive up to four (4) parental cost support services per school year including summer (from school out to June 30th programs)
Parental Cost Assistance Process
A parent and/or teacher (by referral) shall request parental cost assistance through the Intercultural and Community Outreach Department with a Parental Cost Assistance Request (PCAR). Upon review of application, the PCAR form shall determine priority allocation. All direct communication will be done from the ICO Department to parents and students.
Student Academic Related Expenses and Fees:
- Individual student financial assistance is available up to $125.00;
- Financial support request for Dual Credit Classes
- School supplies
- Elementary: $100.00 per student: per district supply lists:
- Middle School: $125.00 per student: per district supply lists:
- High School: $150.00 per student: per district supply lists:
- Student supplies for Technical Apprenticeship Program ($200.00)
- Science Fair Supplies and materials up to $125.00
- Scientific Calculators $125.00 (Provided by ICO)
- Heritage Resource Supplies $125.00
- Career Prep Child Care Supplies $125.00
- Senior Graduation:
- Cap, Gown, and Stole.
- Navajo Traditional Attire Women Skirt and Blouse $ 200
- Navajo Traditional Attire Mens Shirt $150
- Navajo Traditional Moccasins $150
- Educational Testing Fees:
- CNA Prometrics test ($150.00)
- ACT/SAT fees beyond what the district provides.
- College Application Fees - $125.00
- Summer College enrichment/prep programs
- 6-12th grade Summer enrichment - Tuition: $750.00
- 6-12th grade Summer enrichment - Transportation $500.00
- 6-12th grade Summer enrichment - Application Fee up to $50.00
- Holistic Wellness
- Coming of Age supplies. $125.00
- Cultural Healing Session up to $150.00