To ensure student and staff safety, Central Schools will be following these steps:
- Parents will need to be present as their children board the bus to school in the mornings.
- Parents will need to be present as their children are dropped off the bus after school.
- Bus aides will screen students for symptoms and take student temperature at each stop. Students with a temperature of 100°F or higher will not be allowed to ride the bus to school. For this reason, parents must wait at the bus stop.
- Parents can also download the SchoolInfo App and display the pass at the bus stop each morning. For more information about our app, click here.
- Parents should check their students email accounts for set-up directions. Also refer to the attached for instructions. If they have not received an email with instructions, parents should reach out to their schools.
- Students and parents will model social distancing at bus stops while loading and unloading.
- Students are required to wear face mask/covering to ride the bus.
- Students will only be allowed to ride one (1) bus. Students will not be allowed to ride an alternate bus.
- Seating on the bus will be limited to two (2) per seat, in alternating rows. Family members may sit together.
- Buses will be cleaned and disinfected daily.
- Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers have been placed on the buses.
- There will be no field trips or non-essential travel.
- Students will load bus seats from the rear forward (to avoid walking past each other).
- Students will not be allowed to eat or drink on the bus.